Our Curriculum
At Sittingbourne School, we believe every student deserves an enriching learning experience. This will ensure they have equal opportunities for success now and in the future. We instil in our students a sense of curiosity, motivation and drive, blended with a culture of ambition. We strive to equip students with the attributes and mindset needed to thrive in the future. We celebrate every student’s achievements in our diverse community. Our curriculum is anchored in Learning, Character, Community and Achievement. The aim is to inspire, educate and empower all students to reach their full potential.
At TSS, we are committed to providing high-quality teaching and learning that ensures every student achieves their full potential. Our approach is tailored to meet every student’s needs, supporting them to become independent learners and enhance their progress in all subjects. Students are encouraged to discuss their learning, accomplishments and aspirations confidently. All staff are committed to ensuring every student feels valued and engaged in their educational journey.
At our school, Character Education and Personal Development are vital in developing students into independent and articulate individuals with self-regulation, resilience, kindness and respect. These values are interwoven throughout the curriculum, promoting British Values and fostering positive attitudes and behaviours. Our curriculum emphasises personal growth and encourages independence and mutual support among students.
We hold high expectations by cultivating a sense of belonging and responsibility within our diverse community. We are unwavering in our commitment to an inclusive environment where every student, irrespective of background or ability, is supported to reach their full potential. Our community involvement ensures that students appreciate a modern global society. All students are valued members of our school community, and the school’s ethos is evident in and outside the classroom. We prioritise a positive connection with local employers, colleges, and universities to offer our students opportunities for their future.
We firmly believe that achievement comes in many forms and everyone’s talents should be recognised and celebrated. Students are encouraged to be independent learners, have high aspirations and always aim for excellence. The school rewards students who show determination to improve and celebrates progress and attainment. Our goal is to inspire all students to achieve their full potential.