Letters home

This part of the site will document communication from school to parents. Click on the links below to view.


  1. 27-03-24 Newsletter - Term 4pdfDownload
  2. 09-02-24 Newsletter - Term 3pdfDownload
  3. 05-01-24 Term 3 Attendance UpdatepdfDownload
  4. 15-12-23 Newsletter - Term 2pdfDownload
  5. 20-10-23 Newsletter - Term 1pdfDownload
  6. 18-10-23 Admissions Policy Consultation LetterpdfDownload
  7. 08-19-23 Late detentionspdfDownload
  8. 19-9-23 Complaints letter for parents & carerspdfDownload
  9. 21-07-23 Newsletter - Term 6pdfDownload
  10. 06-05-23 Home learning - Year 11 June 2023pdfDownload
  11. 26-05-23 Newsletter - Term 5pdfDownload
  12. 12-05-23 Ofsted letterpdfDownload
  13. Ofsted ReportpdfDownload
  14. 11-05-23 Term 5 Attendance Encouragement and Reminder LetterpdfDownload
  15. 02-05-23 Co-Opted Governor VacanciespdfDownload
  16. 20-04-23 Strike action 27 April & 2 May parents carers letterpdfDownload
  17. 31-03-23 Newsletter - Term 4pdfDownload
  18. 09-03-23 Strike Action 15 & 16 March 2023pdfDownload
  19. 24-02-23 Strike action 2nd March letterpdfDownload
  20. 23-02-23 Newsletter - Term 3pdfDownload
  21. 25-01-23 Strike action 1.2.23pdfDownload
  22. NEU parents leafletpdfDownload
  23. 16-12-22 Newsletter - Term 2pdfDownload
  24. 08-12-22 Online Safety Update - ParentspdfDownload
  25. 08-12-22 Urgent Health and Safety Notice_ Aerosol SprayspdfDownload
  26. 21-10-22 End of Term 1 NewsletterpdfDownload
  27. 17-06-22 Planned Rail StrikepdfDownload
  28. 26-05-22 Year 7 - Trust Exams informationpdfDownload
  29. 10-05-22 School TimingspdfDownload
  30. 06-05-22 Year 8 - Marlowe TrippdfDownload
  31. 02-02-22 Covid updatepdfDownload
  32. 31-01-22 Potential Year Group ClosurespdfDownload
  33. 14-01-22 January Expectations letterpdfDownload
  34. 03-01-22 Start of Term Arrangements updatedpdfDownload
  35. 17-12-21 Start of Term ArrangementspdfDownload
  36. 14-12-21 Exam Contingency planningpdfDownload
  37. 26-11-21 Staff Development DaypdfDownload
  38. 22-10-21 Mobile PhonespdfDownload
  39. 07-10-21 Parental Letter for BookspdfDownload
  40. 04-10-21 ImmunisationspdfDownload
  41. 04-10-21 NHS Letter to parentspdfDownload
  42. 04-10-21 Covid-19 vaccination parent information packpdfDownload
  43. 09-09-21 Parking across local residents' drivewayspdfDownload
  44. 08-09-21 Open Evening early closure to students Sept 21pdfDownload
  45. 16-07-21 New start date letterpdfDownload
  46. 28-06-21 End of Term updates and reminders pdfDownload
  47. 12-07-21 Covid-19 case update letter to all parentspdfDownload
  48. 28-04-21 Student attendance & punctuality pdfDownload