Policies and Guidance

For information about our Exclusion Arrangements, please see our behaviour policy.

Please note that paper copies of documents or other information can be requested by parents.

Below you will find The Sittingbourne School policies (TSS) and Swale Academies Trust policies (SAT).



  1. TSS Accessibility PlanpdfDownload
  2. TSS Admissions Policy 2025-26pdfDownload
  3. TSS Attendance PolicypdfDownload
  4. TSS Behaviour PolicypdfDownload
  5. TSS Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) PolicypdfDownload
  6. TSS Careers Provider Access PolicypdfDownload
  7. TSS Child Protection & Safeguarding PolicypdfDownload
  8. TSS Children with health needs who cannot attend school PolicypdfDownload
  9. TSS Discrimination, Racism and Bullying Prevention PolicypdfDownload
  10. TSS Equality Policy, Statement and Objectives 2023_24pdfDownload
  11. TSS First Aid Policy 23_24pdfDownload
  12. TSS Fundamental British ValuespdfDownload
  13. SAT Health and Safety PolicypdfDownload
  14. TSS Medical PolicypdfDownload
  15. TSS Mobile Phone and Electronic Devices PolicypdfDownload
  16. TSS Online Safety PolicypdfDownload
  17. TSS Partnership AgreementpdfDownload
  18. SAT Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) PolicypdfDownload
  19. TSS School Food PolicypdfDownload
  20. TSS SEND PolicypdfDownload
  21. TSS SEND Information Report October 2024pdfDownload
  22. TSS Uniform Policy 2024-25pdfDownload
  23. TSS Work Experience PolicypdfDownload
  24. SAT ADDENDUM - Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 06.2021 Peer on peer abusepdfDownload
  25. SAT Complaints Policy 2023-25pdfDownload
  26. SAT ECT Induction PolicypdfDownload
  27. SAT Offsite Educational Visits PolicypdfDownload
  28. SAT Protection of Biometric Data PolicypdfDownload
  29. SAT Pupil Premium Strategy and Review 2020pdfDownload
  30. SAT Supporting Pupils with Medical ConditionspdfDownload
  31. SAT Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions PolicypdfDownload
  32. TSS Pupil Premium Strategy 3 Year StatementpdfDownload