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Mrs Webb

Senior Leader - Careers

01795 472449

All policies relevant to careers can be found under the INFORMATION - POLICIES & GUIDANCE


At The Sittingbourne School, our careers programme is delivered in a number of exciting ways throughout each year group.

  • Our annual Careers Fair gives access to many local and national employers, universities, apprenticeship providers and ex-students who interact with students.
  • Careers is delivered through the curriculum and planned in subject schemes of work.
  • Assemblies and presentations from external speakers from a range of employers, colleges, universities, apprenticeship providers and other training providers are organised for different year groups throughout the academic year.
  • Work experience is offered to students in Year 10 and Year 12 to support their experience of the workplace and decision making for future pathways.  Year 10 work experience is arranged through Education Business Partnership, an external organisation.
  • Support from external organisations for specific year groups, such as the Department for Work and Pensions supporting sixth form students in creating appropriate CVs and delivering mock interviews for Year 12 along with local employers. The school also works closely with an Enterprise Adviser Mr. Stefano Cumo from Macknades Food Hall in Faversham.


Mr Stefano Cumo



  • A variety of careers activities are delivered through personal development time in each year group, as well as Character Education lessons.
  • Specialised career sessions with a range of external agencies and training providers are also organised for our SEND and EHCP students and parents, which include events on and off of school site to support these students’ progression plans.

Please find below, our careers programme for all year groups, for the academic year.

Year 7

Term  Benchmarks Met Activity
Term 1 Benchmark 2, 3 What is careers? Introduction to Careers Logo & My Role
Term 1 Benchmark 2,4 Introduction to JED - Demonstration on what information can be found on JED. Teacher demonstration and interactive session with students. 
Term 3 Benchmark 2,4 Introduction to START program
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5,3,4 Apprenticeship Week - Assortment of Activities
Term 4 Benchmark 5, 3, 4, Careers Week - Assortment of Activities
Term 4 Benchmark 3, 7 Higher Education Assembly Talk
Term 6 Benchmark 4,5 Employer Engagement: –"Meet The Employer"  

Year 8

Term 1 Benchmark 2, 3 What is careers? Introduction to Careers Logo & My Role
Term 1 Benchmark 2,4 Introduction to JED - Demonstration on what information can be found on JED. Teacher demonstration and interactive session with students. 
Term 3 Benchmark 2,4 Introduction to START program
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5,3,4 Apprenticeship Week - Assortment of Activities
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5 3 Apprenticeship Assembly
Term 4 Benchmark 5, 3, 4, Careers Week - Assortment of Activities
Term 4 Benchmark 3,7 Higher Education Assembly Talk
Term 6 Benchmark 5 Employer Engagement - "Meet The Employer" 

Year 9

Term 1 Benchmark 2, 3 What is careers? Introduction to Careers Logo & My Role
Term 1 Benchmark 2,4 Introduction to JED - Demonstration on what information can be found on JED. Teacher demonstration and interactive session with students. 
Term 1  Benchmark 3 Moving Forward - Subject Interest Survey
Term 2-Term 6 Benchmark 3,8 Deaf Works Everywhere - Career lessons for DDS Students
Term 2 Benchmark 2,3,4,5 A Future in Fruit: Explore Careers within the fruit industry
Term 4 Benchmark 3,4 Choosing GCSE Options - Students Assemblies
Term 3 Benchmark 2,4 Introduction to START program
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5,3,4 Apprenticeship Week - Assortment of Activities
Term 3 Benchmark 7,3,5 Apprenticeship Day Activities - DDS
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5 3 Apprenticeship Assembly
Term 4 Benchmark 5, 3, 4, Careers Week - Assortment of Activities
Term 4 Benchmark 3,7 Higher Education Assembly Talk
Term 6 Benchmark 4,5 Employer Engagement: –"Meet The Employer" 

Year 10

Term 1 Benchmark 2, 3 What is careers? Introduction to Careers Logo & My Role
Term 1 Benchmark 2,4 Introduction to JED - Demonstration on what information can be found on JED. Teacher demonstration and interactive session with students. 
Term 1  Benchmark 6,5,3 Work Experience - Employer's view as to Why work experience is important?
Term 1 Benchmark 2, EBP Work Experience Assembly followed by registration on EBP software
Term 1 Benchmark 3 Moving Forward CXK Form
Term 1 - 6 Benchmark 3,8 SEN - Princes Trust Program - Preparation for Adulthood
Term 2 Benchmark 2,3,4,5,7 Charlton Sports in HE Project
Term 2 Benchmark 2,3,4,5 A Future in Fruit: Explore Careers within the fruit industry
Term 2-Term 6 Benchmark 3,8 Deaf Works Everywhere - Career lessons for DDS Students
Term 3 Benchmark 2,4 Introduction to START program
Term 3 Benchmark 3,7 Assembly Talk - All Year 10 - Why go to Uni?
Term 3 Benchmark, 2,3,4,7, Bristlebots - STEM Session 
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5,3,4 Apprenticeship Week - Assortment of Activities
Term 3 Benchmark 3,2,7,8 Apprenticeship Day Activities - DDS
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5 3 Apprenticeship Assembly
Term 4 Benchmark 5, 3, 4, Careers Week - Assortment of Activities
Term 4 Benchmark 5,4,2 Careers Fair as part of Careers Week -Employers, Colleges, Training Providers etc.
Term 4 Benchmark 7,3 EHCP Training Provider Event for Students and Parents
Term 4/5 Benchmark 3,7 EHCP/ SEN PP Students - Training Provider Visits - tailored to students interests
Term 4 Benchmark 3,7 EHCP BEMIX Supported Internships
Term 4 Benchmark 7,3 University Summer School Presentation from Canterbury Christchurch / University of Kent
Term 6 Benchmark 6  Careers Skills - Work Experience Preparation
Term 6 Benchmark 6,5, Work Experience Week Commencing- 10/07/23
Term 6 Benchmark 6,5, Work Experience Week Commencing- 10/07/23
Term 6 Benchmark 3,7,2 Kent Choices - Unlock Lesson

Year 11

Term 1 Benchmark 2, 3 What is careers? Introduction to Careers Logo & My Role
Term 1 Benchmark 2,4 Introduction to JED - Demonstration on what information can be found on JED. Teacher demonstration and interactive session with students. 
Term 1  Benchmark 3 Moving Forward - Subject Interest Survey for CXK 
Term 1 - 6 Benchmark 3,8 SEN - Princes Trust Program - Preparation for Adulthood
Term 1 Benchmark 7,3 Journey into Sixth Form
Term 1 Benchmark 7,3 TSS Post 16 Courses and Applications
Term 1 Benchmark 7,4 Sixth Form Option Evening
Term 1 Benchmark 7,3,2 Kent Choices - How to search and application process powerpoint demonstration
Term 1  Benchmark 3,7 Assembly Talk - All Year 11 - UNIVERSITY
Term 1- Term 6 Benchmark 8,3 1:1 Guidance Meetings with CXK
Term 2 Benchmark 8,3 Group Guidance Meetings - Based on occupational area using the moving forward form completed in Term 1
Term 2-Term 6 Benchmark 3,8 Deaf Works Everywhere - Career lessons for DDS Students
Term 2 Benchmark 3,7,2 Kent Choices - Unlock Process, Search and Apply. Promote Open Days
Term 2 - 4 Benchmark 7 Exam Success Package - revision skills, exam techniques and coping with exam stress.
Term 2 Benchmark 3,7 What Happens Next L3 options
Term 2  Benchmark 7,3,4 Sixth Form Taster day
Term 2 Benchmark 7,2,4 EHCP/S - Further Education Provision Visits / Workshops (alternative to Sixth Form Taster Day)
Term 2 Benchmark 7, 3, 2 Parents Forum - Kent Choices Presentation on the Application Process
Term 3 Benchmark 7,3 Student Interviews - Progression checks & Sixth Form Interviews & Offers.
Term 2 Benchmark 8,3 1:1 Interviews with The Education People
Term 2 Benchmark 3,7,2 Kent Choices - Unlock / Search & Application Process
Term 3 Benchmark 3,5 CV Writing & Interview Technique Program
Term 3 Benchmark 3,5 Mock Interviews with Employers
Term 3 Benchmark 3 Moving Forward Forms
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5,3,4 Apprenticeship Week - Assortment of Activities 
Term 3 Benchmark 3,2,7,8 Apprenticeship Day Activities - DDS
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5 3 Apprenticeship Assembly
Term 3/4 Benchmark 7,5 3 Aprenticeship - Group Work - How to search and apply
Term 4 Benchmark 7,5 3 Apprenticeship - Group Work- How to search and apply
Term 4 Benchmark 5 NCS - Summer Program Presentation 
Term 4 Benchmark 5, 3, 4, Careers Week - Assortment of Activities
Term 4 Benchmark 5,4,2 Careers Fair as part of Careers Week - Employers, Colleges, Training Providers etc.
Term 4 Benchmark 3,7,5 Post 18 Options - University of Kent & CXK presentation to Parents
Term 4 Benchmark 3,7 EHCP BEMIX Supported Internships
Term 6 Benchmark 3,7 Sixth Form Experience Week

Year 12

Term 1 Benchmark 2, 3 What is careers? Introduction to Careers Logo & My Role
Term 1  Benchmark 3 Moving Forward - Subject Interest Survey
Term 1 Benchmark 4,5 Catering - Business Lunch for 20 Local Business Dignatories
Term 1 Benchmark 2,3,5 Virtual Work Experience Opportunities
Term 2 Benchmark 3,7 Where Next Part 1 - What do I want to do with my future?
Term 2 Benchmark 3,5 CV Writing & Interview Technique Program
Term 2 Benchmark 8,3 1:1 Personal Guidance Meetings with CXK
Term 2 Benchmark 3, 5 Mock Interviews with Employers
Term 2 Benchmark 3,5 Work Experience Preparation & Paperwork - Employer - Why is work experience important and how to find it? 
Term 2 Benchmark 4,7,5 KBS Finance Outreach Masterclass - Virtual Ratio Analysis
Term 3 Benchmark 3,7 Where Next Part 2 - What do I want to do at University?
Term 3 Benchmark 5,7 MyBnk Finance Workshop - Sporty Money Twist & Uni Dosh
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5,3,4 Apprenticeship Week - Assortment of Activities 
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5 3 Apprenticeships Assembly - Year 12,13 and 14
Term 3 Benchmark 7 Apprenticeship Work Shops Year 12,13 and 14 - Creating an account and applying. Covering Intermediate, Advanced and Degree
Term 3 Benchmark 3,7  Cambridge SU Shadowing Scheme + 3 day Residential
Term 4 Benchmark 3,7,5 The Value of HE - Post 18 Options - University of Kent & CXK presentation to Parents
Term 4 Benchmark 7 University Summer School Presentation from Canterbury Christchurch / University of Kent
Term 4 Benchmark 3,7 Where Next Part 3 - How do I apply for University?
Term 4 Benchmark 5, 3, 4, Careers Week - Assortment of Activities
Term 4 Benchmark 5,4,2 Careers Fair as part of Careers Week - Employers, Colleges, Training Providers etc.
Term 4 Benchmark 6,5,2 Work Experience Week 
Term 4 Benchmark 5 NCS - Summer Program Presentation 
Term 4 Benchmark 3,7,5 Post 18 options - University of Kent & NCS presentation to Parents
Term 5 Benchmark 3,7 Where Next Part 4 - How do I afford University?
Term 5 Benchmark 7,3 UK University & Apprenticeship Fair
Term 5 Benchmark 3,7 Writing a personal statement for University & Employment

Year 13

Term 1 Benchmark 2, 3 What is careers? Introduction to Careers Logo & My Role
Term 1 Benchmark 7,3 University Personal Statement Workshops and 1:1 Feedback appointments for Uni Applicants
Term 1  Benchmark  Moving Forward - Subject Interest Survey
Term 2 Benchmark 7,4 Art / Photography Portfolio Workshop 
Term 3 Benchmark 7,3 University Student Finance - Calculating and Applying
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5,3,4 Apprenticeship Week - Assortment of Activities 
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5 3 Apprenticeships Assembly - Year 12,13 and 14
Term 3 Benchmark 7 Apprenticeship Work Shops Year 12,13 and 14 - Creating an account and applying. Covering Intermediate, Advanced and Degree
Term 4 Benchmark 3,7,5 Post 18 options - University of Kent & NCS presentation to Parents
Term 4 Benchmark 5, 3, 4, Careers Week - Assortment of Activities
Term 4 Benchmark 5,4,2 Careers Fair as part of Careers Week - Employers, Colleges, Training Providers etc.
Term 5/6 Benchmark 3,7 Destination Gathering & Application Support as courses are completed

Year 14

Term 1 Benchmark 2, 3 What is careers? Introduction to Careers Logo & My Role
Term 3 Benchmark 7,5 3 Apprenticeships Assembly - Year 12,13 and 14
Term 3 Benchmark 7 Apprenticeship Work Shops Year 12,13 and 14 - Creating an account and applying. Covering Intermediate, Advanced and Degree
Term 4 Benchmark 5,4,2 Careers Fair as part of Careers Week - Employers, Colleges, Training Providers etc.
Term 4 Benchmark 8,3,2 Post 18 options - University of Kent & NCS presentation to Parents
Term 5/6 Benchmark 3,7 Destination Gathering & Application Support as courses are completed

Results Days Support

  • Personalised guidance offered in 1:1 meetings
  • HE guidance offered for University clearing
  • General progression advice and guidance available to all students