Parent/Carer Hub

Character Education is central to all learning in our school.  It is taught across the curriculum, where everyone learns the importance of positive attitudes and behaviours, such as self-discipline, resilience and British Values.

We know that having the right outlook and approach underpins achievement – academically and socially.  Building strong character is vital for our students to go into the wider world as ambitious individuals who can express, with confidence, their thoughts and ideas.  

The school’s curriculum is rich with character building experiences. Whether it’s through the performing arts, PE and sports studies, or art and technology, students learn commitment, resilience and how to shine. 

Character is not just made in the classroom.  Our students also develop character and important life skills through superb extra-curricular opportunities.  We offer an exciting and extensive programme of enrichment for our students and as such they are exposed to a wide variety of cultural, academic and adventure activities – including, The Duke of Edinburgh Award, out of school trips in the UK and abroad, and close working partnerships with Canterbury Christ Church and Kent universities.