Current information on Covid-19

Up to date information with regards to the effects of covid-19 on The Sittingbourne School

Swale Academies Trust Covid statement.pdf


Update letter to parents 21-07-20


Message from Kent County Council - Travel passes compensation

Your KCC Travel Saver.pdf


Update for September 2020 - 06-07-20.pdf


Keeping children safe online

The government has published new guidance to support you and your children in ensuring that you are able to stay safe on the internet during this extended time away from school. Children's charities have raised concerns regarding children's exposure to inappropriate internet content and the risk of online grooming due to the length of time children have been away from school. The guidance explains what the risks are and gives links to organisations that can give you further information and support. This guidance will consolidate the learning students have completed in character education regarding this subject.

If you have concerns about keeping safe on the internet and would like to speak to a member of staff please contact the school and ask for Mr Ball or the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) on duty. 



Year 10 information

Year 10 letter 12-06-20.pdf

Parent Guidance for Travel.pdf

TSS Lunch Menu.pdf

Year 10 Information Video on Returning to School (click to watch)


Year 10 wider reopening letter 08-06-20.pdf

Parents Year 10 Return_ Logistics.pdf


Year 10-12 provision letter 01.06.20.pdf


Reopening Information 22.05.20

Letter regarding reopening school 22.05.20.pdf


Remote Teaching and Learning

Letter regarding remote teaching and learning 05.05.20.pdf 


A message for all GCSE, AS and A level students this summer

Letter from OFQUAL.pdf

Additional Information here


Important information for all parents and carers regarding school closure and keeping safe. (


REMOTE LEARNING (click the links below)

Letter to parents on remote learning 20-03-20

The Sittingbourne School parental guidance

The Sittingbourne School Student Guidance for Remote Learning


Click here: Urgent communication to parents-carers 20-03-20.pdf (Written 20 March 2020)


Click here: Letter from The Sittingbourne School with information for parents/carers on Year 10 and Year 9 closure (Written 18 March 2020)


Click here: Letter from The Sittingbourne School with information for parents/carers on Covid-19 (Written 18 March 2020)


Click here: Letter from The Sittingbourne School with information for parents/carers on Covid-19 (Written 13 March 2020)


Click here: Coronavirus information from Travelmasters


Further information from the Department of Education about the latest measures set out in the Government's coronavirus response 


How to wash your hands properly


One of the more obvious features of the COVID-19 outbreak is the pace at which any written update becomes out-of-date.  For that reason, I would refer you to the following sources:

COVID-19: guidance for education settings


Government Coronavirus Action Plan


Government Information for the Public


What you need to know about COVID-19


PHE website


World Health Organisation.  General information about COVID 19


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